Sunday, October 14, 2012

The end of September started to feel more like fall. We got some pretty cold temperatures at night, down in the 20s, which caused us to turn on our heat! The last Saturday in Sept we did a 5k. It was a fundraiser for the school I used to teach at and it was good to get outside and see all my old co-workers. Jackson did very well in the stroller (we just walked) and Jason did well running :-) We have continued to try and make it to church on Sundays. Jackson usually ends up sleeping through most of the service, which gives us complements of how he is "such a good baby!" Can't complain there and he really is a very good baby! I can't believe he is 2 months old already! He is starting to do more and more things. He is down to crying/fussing only when he is hungry and tired. He is still eating about every 2 hours during the day, I keep crossing my fingers and hoping he will start spreading the feedings out a little longer, but...we are not quite there yet. 

Grandma Harp came the 1st weekend in October to visit Jackson! It was fun to see him interact with someone other than us. I think he did very well :-) We took our first trip to the mall and out to dinner when Grandma was here. We are trying to get him used to the carrier so that when we travel for the holidays we don't have to bring a stroller or car seat through the airports. I think it will work out.  

I also started going to Zumba with some friends on Saturday mornings. I am hoping that it gets me in shape at least a little closer to my pre-baby condition. I took the "eating for two" a bit too serious haha! It is held a one of the middle schools so it is a lot of teachers and people I know from teaching who go. Jackson and I also continue to walk during the week when Daddy is at work. 

Jackson went for his 2 month check-up this past week. He was 11lb, 23 3/4in, and got his first shots! He got three shots (2 in one leg and 1 in the other) Jason said he didn't cry until the last shot.  I was in the room but I couldn't handle holding his little arms down so Jason did it and stood between him and me so I couldn't see haha. Overall he handled them very well and he only got a little fever the next day. Hopefully all his shots will go that well. He slept quite a bit over the last few days and he even let me sleep for 4 hours straight a few nights in a row. I was hoping that this would be the new routine, but last night he woke up more frequently so we will see how the next couple of weeks go. He is also starting to not care for being swaddled anymore so any movement he makes I think he wakes himself up easier...

Yesterday we went and got our pumpkins. We actually grew one pumpkin in our garden this year! We are calling that Jackson's pumpkin so we went to the pumpkin patch for our pumpkins because yes we do still carve pumpkins every year!! I think we are going to do it next weekend so I will have to put up pictures when they are done. 

 Jackson is smiling more and more and starting to show us his personality a little more! He is following people and objects with his eyes and likes to "talk" to us. He has also done well in his bumbo seat. His head strength is pretty good. Yesterday during tummy time Jason saw him roll onto his side. He likes to kick with his legs a whole lot and they are pretty strong. Don't really think there is much else going on. I will keep trying to update on a fairly regular schedule :-) 

In his Syracuse shirt! 

See he looks kinda happy here!

2 months old on this day!

He was playing with Daddy

He likes to grab onto things more now

This is the pumpkin we grew in our garden

Jackson at the pumpkin patch

I think this is one of the only pictures we have of the three of us

Our pumpkins in the wheel barrow 

He didn't want to look at me, but the hat matches the lion on his outfit

Sunday means football!! We get to watch the Giants and the Cowboys on tv today (very rare occasion), but since I don't have a Giants onesie I guess he has to wear a Cowboys one...ewwww haha
He also likes the wrist rattles!